CS460 Graphics Projects

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Project 8 Project 9 Project 10

Project 1: Intro

Describing your favorite WebGL demo.

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Project 2: XTK Cube / Pixel Art

Creating pixel art and then use XTK to render it in 3D, fully interactive and webbased.

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Project 3: Three.js Cubes ... and other geometries

Using Three.js to create multiple different geometries in an interactive fashion.

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Project 4: A WebGL Game!

WebGL without a framework is hard. But this makes it even more rewarding when we create cool stuff!

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Project 5: Scene Control with dat.GUI and Transformations!

Using XTK and Three.js to study rotations.

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Project 6: The Virtual Robot!

Creating a virtual robot that uses a human-inspired skeleton.

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Project 7: Skinned and Animated Robots!

Adding a mesh to our robot bones and then create an animated crowd.

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Project 8: The Walking Robots!

Creating walking robots that switch directions when they bump into each other.

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Project 9: Geometry, Materials, and Lighting!

Loading our favorite mesh from a file, try out different materials, and play around with light settings.

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Project 10: glTF!

Loading our favorite mesh from a file and then convert it to a valid glTF file.

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