
Projects 2022 Projects 2021 Projects 2020 CS 460 Projects

Projects 2022

League Of Guardians

Inspired by League of Legends, I created a League Of Guardians game with completely different style using Unity, WebGL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.


  • Camera: A, D, S, W or Arrow keys.
  • Play: Mouse click, Scroll

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Authoring Tool for Visual Piling

The purpose of this software project is to provide a tool that allows analysts to use visual piling to analyzing visual data with minimal technical knowledge. The software will provide tools to allow a Visualization Designer to easily create the desired workflow, which then allows the Analyst to import the visual data and analyze it. This project made by JavaScript, Svelte, JSON, PixiJS, WebGL, CSS.

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CS461 Projects

Learning the specifics of Unity game engine and use it to develop their own games for the assignments and the final project with the goal is to prepare for a career as a game developer. This course and the projects are cover the game development pipeline, from modeling of virtual environments and gaming assets, to interactive rendering and real-time physics-based simulation in virtual environments. It is centered on the essential components of a game engine, as well as software engineering techniques relevant to game development.

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Projects 2021

Spacecraft 3D

Creating a Spacecraft 3D game using WebGL, Three.js (framework), HTML, CSS, JavaScript.


  • Direction: A, D, S, W or Arrow keys.
  • Rotation: K, L.
  • Moving: Space.
  • Speed up: Shift.
  • Fire: Enter.

Play Game Report


Creating a Spaceship game written only by WebGL (without any framework).

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CS460 Projects

Learn develop rich and interactive web-based 3D visualizations for computers, smartphones, and tablets by using WebGL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

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CS451 Projects

Learning compiler organization and implementation, including formal specifications and algorithms for lexical and syntactic analysis, internal representation of the source program, semantic analysis, run-time environment issues, and code generation. Participants write a compiler for a reasonably large subset of a contemporary language, targeted to a virtual machine.

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6

CS420 Projects

Learning theoretical aspects of computing as models of computation, inherent limits on computation, and feasible computation. Topics include definition of computable functions (recursive functions, functions computable by Turing machines, functions computable in a programming language), unsolvability of the halting problem and related problems, the classes P and NP, finite automata, and context-free grammars.

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Projects 2020

CS210 Projects

The design and implementation of computer programs in a high-level language, with emphasis on proper design principles and advanced programming concepts, including dynamic data structures and recursion. The assignments are designed to introduce the student to a variety of topics in computing: data structures and ADTs, Lists, Stacks, Queues, Ordered Lists, Binary Trees, and searching and sorting techniques.

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6

Ghost Word Game

A project from CIT-239-BE1 - JAVA Programming course with two versions

  • Version 1: human play with computer
  • Version 2: computer vs computer – AI
Version 1 Preview Version 2 Preview